Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Recession = bad news for cuddly critters

So, we've been in a recession for nearly a year now, which jives pretty well with what most of us feel I think. Beyond our pocketbooks, though, I think the recession is gonna be bad news for lots of agendas in environmental policy (For example, the international policy toward sustainable use of bluefin tuna, which seems to have gotten waylaid because of economic concerns). It seems inevitable that in the wake of the current economic crisis, investment in long-term environmental concerns, such as sustainable use of resources, will take a backseat to more immediate and pressing economic concerns, and that we will see a retraction away from what seemed like an increasing momentum in the direction of everything sustainable, organic, local, efficient and generally green. Although i don't really see any plausible way of avoiding this retraction, I fear the fallout that we will see from this in the coming decades. Or maybe this crisis will provide an opporunity for economic restructuring based on renewable energy? A man can hope...

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