Friday, December 19, 2008

Ode to Home Heating

In the back of my mind, I spend lots of time denigrating modern civilization, with our obvious pitfalls, egoism, environmental destruction, and otherwise unending parade of travesties. But every now and then, I am starkly reminded of just how nice it is to live in the world we live in. For the last few hours, Boston has been getting pounded by a snow storm, freeing winds, etc. I just came back from walking down the street to drop off some mail. No more than a few hundred yards, but my cheeks were rosy, my shoes were filled with snow and I was chilled to the bone. And then, and then I stepped back into my 65 degree apartment, where my computer and guitar and cat and books and oven and food for months were all waiting for me, and it was lovely. Indoor heating, I love you...

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